Lutz C. Kleveman, born in 1974, is a non-fiction author and photographer.
Kleveman studied French Literature in Aix-en-Provence and International History at the London School of Economics (LSE).
From 1999 onwards, he worked as a freelance journalist and photographer in the Balkans, West Africa, the former Soviet Union, Central Asia, and the Middle East. He has written and photographed for the Daily Telegraph, Die Zeit, Newsweek, Der Spiegel, Playboy Magazine and various other publications in Germany, Britain, and the States.
Currently, Kleveman is working on a new book and photo projects about North Africa.
Kleveman is the bi-lingual author of several narrative non-fiction books:
SMYRNA IN FLAMMEN: Der Untergang der osmanischen Metropole 1922 und seinen Folgen für Europa (Berlin, Aufbau, 2022)
LEMBERG: Die vergessene Mitte Europas (Berlin, Aufbau, 2017)
WANDERJAHRE: A Reporter’s Journey through a Mad World (London, White Glove, 2014)
KRIEGSGEFANGEN: Meine deutsche Spurensuche (Munich, Siedler, 2011)
THE NEW GREAT GAME: Blood and Oil in Central Asia (New York and London, Grove Atlantic, 2003)
DER KAMPF UMS HEILIGE FEUER: Wettlauf der Weltmächte am Kaspischen Meer (Berlin, Rowohlt Berlin, 2002)